Encino, CA Medicare Insurance | Paramount Exclusive Insurance
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California Medicare


Once you reach the age of 65, Medicare kicks in. This is both good and bad.


Bad because the coverage is often expensive, and ends up costing you quite a bit more out of pocket than expected. The last thing you need to worry about at this age is yet another drain on your savings.


Medicare supplemental isurance is a way to keep money in your pocket. Medicare A and Medicare B both come with gaps in coverage for the purpose of controlling the states’ fiscal burdens and so the states shift that burden on to you. Sad but true. There is a way, though, to correct the situation without touching your savings. Medicare supplemental insurance is designed to fill these gaps to provide further peace of mind and contentment, as age begins to play a role in your life.


Paramount understands the pressure this situation creates. It is not unusual for seniors to fall victim to it. Paramount knows that the bad news doesn’t always have to be bad. They know that the good news is that problem is common enough that there’s a fix for it, and it’s not as expensive as you’d think. Because the marketplace is competitive, prices have decreased and become reasonable, which is good news for everyone.


Insurance is, by nature, purchased with the hope of never having to be used. But your Medicare supplemental insurance will not sit idle. No guarantee, of course, but chances are you will see a return on this very small investment. At Paramount, we take things personally. Once we begin working with a client, we do all we can to make sure they purchase insurance specifically tailored to their needs, and that they are getting the most out of the products and programs.


We at Paramount believe wholeheartedly that the golden years are meant to be relished. It is a time to relax, take stock of your life’s work, and enjoy your life in a peaceful and carefree way. This frame of mind shouldn’t be disrupted or jeopardized by health issues. Protect yourself against that happening and make the smart choice, by considering Medicare supplemental insurance to protect your health, your happiness, and your financial condition.

Consider This

There is much talk about the future of Medicare. For the benefit of its community, Paramount agents stay fully briefed on the future of Medicare insurance and how our customers will be affected.

Let Us Guide You To The Right
