Encino, CA Life Insurance | Paramount Exclusive Insurance
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Protect Your


California Life Insurance


Life insurance is the cornerstone of sound financial planning.


It allows those who remain behind the freedom to live their lives without the incredible stress that follows a passing. It helps those dealing with picking up the pieces the chance to find their own way.


Specifically, it can replace income relied on by dependents. It can pay your final expenses, including taxes related to your estate. Life insurance proceeds can also create an inheritance for your heirs by naming your beneficiaries, it can be the source of significant charitable contributions and create savings.


There are two major types of life insurance—term and whole life.


Whole Life

Whole life is sometimes called “permanent” life insurance. Whole life pays a death benefit whenever you die. It encompasses several subcategories, including traditional whole life, universal life, variable life and variable universal life and there are variations within each type. If it sounds a little complicated, it is. That’s why we’re here. Please feel free to give us a call.


Term Life

Term insurance is the simplest form of life insurance. It pays only if death occurs during the term of the policy, typically lasting from 1 to 30 years. Most term policies have no other benefit provisions. There are two types of term life insurance policies: level term and decreasing term.


Life insurance products for groups are different from life insurance sold to individuals. Your Paramount agent will be able to explain these differences and lead you in the direction of making the perfect choice.

Consider This

There is good reason to believe that traditional life insurance models are at risk from new competitors unfettered by local regulation. Rest assured that Paramount is fully prepared to embrace these changes!

Let Us Guide You To The Right
